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Having Nea Vrasna as a starting place, you can easily make excursions in the surrounding areas which provide for a stunning variety of historical, cultural and religious sights.
You can visit the Monastery of St. George on the slopes of mountain Kerdyllia, built in the second half of the 16th century. The panoramic view of Strymonikos Bay from Mount Athos to Thassos is outstanding.
Following the road to Kavala you will see the ancient city Amphipolis, where you can visit the museum and the acropolis. Amphipolis was founded by the Athenians in 437 BC but never became an athenian colony, because of the heterogeneous population. During the Peloponnesian War, Amphipolis was the place of many battles between the Athenians and Peloponnesians, Macedonians and Halkidians. It remained free until the 357 BC when it was conquered by the Macedonian King Philip II. Amphipolis was the exile place of the wife and son of Alexander the Great.
A few kilometres away from Kavala we reach the ancient city of Phillipi with the magnificent ancient theater. The area of Philippi, was inhabited from the Neolithic period, and continued after the Neolithic era. The reputation of the city spread worldwide in 42 BC because of the historic battle of Philippi, next to the city walls. The result of the battle was a landmark in the history of Philippi; Roman colonists settled here and turned it into a fully Roman city.
Not far away from Philippi is located the cave of Alistrati which is considered one of the finest and largest in Greece and probably in Europe, with marvellous ornaments and structures. The cave covers an area of at least 25,000 m and has a length of 3000 m. The fauna of the cave is scattered throughout the surface of the cave, and is dated about 2.000.000 years ago.
Near the cave lies the canyon of River Aggitis, a paradise in earth with 15km length of beautiful wild flora and fauna. Rock paintings dated from the 5th and 6th century AC portray camels, deer, horse riders holding the reins of horses and spears, and abstract designs can be found along the canyon. The visitor must also note that the River Aggitis is ideal for canoe-kayak. The legend says that the steep walls of the narrow valley are an artificial construct of Macedonians, under Philip II, in an attempt to drain the ponds of Philippi and Drama.
Also near, to the south you can see the ancient Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle. only 500 meters away from the village Olympiada, on a small peninsula. The city was founded around 655 BC by Ionian colonists. At 349 BC the city was besieged and bowed to Macedonian king Philip II, who destroyed it completely, and reinvent it a few years later, in honor of Aristotle.
A few kilometres away from Stagira is located the park of Aristotle, where you can see the statue of Aristotle and many interactive instruments. These instruments apply natural phenomena for which there are references in the book of the great Teacher.
Heading south from Aristotle Park, is the peninsula of Athos, with its magnificent monasteries. The colonization of Athos is ancient. The first settlers history records are Pelasgians from Lemnos. The Peninsula was a place dedicated to god Zeus. The achievement that must be reported from ancient times was the construction of the canal of Athos by king Xerxes, at 481 BC. The first settler, who sets the new status of Athos, is St. Peter the Athonite in the 8 century AC. At 883 AC is issued the first imperial edict, by Byzantine Emperor Vasilios, which promote the steady development of Mount Athos as monastery state.